Understanding API Keys

Supabase provides two default keys when you create a project: an anon key, and a service_role key. You can find both keys in the API Settings.

The data APIs are designed to work with Postgres Row Level Security (RLS). These keys both map to Postgres roles. You can find an anon user and a service_role user in the Roles section of the dashboard.

The keys are both long-lived JWTs. If you decode these keys, you will see that they contain the "role", an "issued date", and an "expiry date" ~10 years in the future.

"role": "anon",
"iat": 1625137684,
"exp": 1940713684

The anon key

The anon key has very few privileges. You can use it in your RLS policies to allow unauthenticated access. For example, this policy will allow unauthenticated access to the profiles table:

create policy "Allow public access" on profiles to anon for
using (true);

And similarly for disallowing access:

create policy "Disallow public access" on profiles to anon for
using (false);

If you are using Supabase Auth, then the anon role will automatically update to authenticated once a user is logged in:

create policy "Allow access to authenticated users" on profiles to authenticated for
using (true);

The service_role key

The "service_role" is a predefined Postgres role with elevated privileges, designed to perform various administrative and service-related tasks. It can bypass Row Level Security, so it should only be used on a private server.

A common use case for the service_role key is running data analytics jobs on the backend. To support joins on user id, it is often useful to grant the service role read access to auth.users table.

on table auth.users to service_role;

We have partnered with GitHub to scan for Supabase service_role keys pushed to public repositories. If they detect any keys with service_role privileges being pushed to GitHub, they will forward the API key to us, so that we can automatically revoke the detected secrets and notify you, protecting your data against malicious actors.