It's a tough decision for any developer starting a new project. Should you store your data in a standard, time-tested SQL database, or go with one of the newer NoSQL document-based databases? This seemingly simple decision can literally make or break your project down the line. Choose correctly and structure your data well, and you may sail smoothly into production and watch your app take off. Make the wrong choice and you could be headed for nightmares (and maybe even some major re-writes) before your app ever makes it out the door.
Simplicity vs Power
There are tradeoffs with both SQL and NoSQL solutions. Typically it's easier to get started with NoSQL data structures, especially when the data is complex or hierarchical. You can just take a JSON data object from your front-end code and throw it in the database and be done with it. But later when you need to access that data to answer some basic business questions, it's much more difficult. A SQL solution makes it easier to gather data and draw conclusions down the line. Let's look at an example:
Each day I track the food I eat, along with the number of calories in each item:
Day | Food Item | Calories | Meal |
01 Jan | Apple | 72 | Breakfast |
01 Jan | Oatmeal | 146 | Breakfast |
01 Jan | Sandwich | 445 | Lunch |
01 Jan | Chips | 280 | Lunch |
01 Jan | Cookie | 108 | Lunch |
01 Jan | Mixed Nuts | 175 | Snack |
01 Jan | Pasta/Sauce | 380 | Dinner |
01 Jan | Garlic Bread | 200 | Dinner |
01 Jan | Broccoli | 32 | Dinner |
I also track the number of cups of water I drink and when I drink them:
Day | Time | Cups |
Jan 01 | 08:15 | 1 |
Jan 01 | 09:31 | 1 |
Jan 01 | 10:42 | 2 |
Jan 01 | 12:07 | 2 |
Jan 01 | 14:58 | 1 |
Jan 01 | 17:15 | 1 |
Jan 01 | 18:40 | 1 |
Jan 01 | 19:05 | 1 |
And finally, I track my exercise:
Day | Time | Duration | Exercise |
Jan 01 | 11:02 | 0.5 | Walking |
Jan 02 | 09:44 | 0.75 | Bicycling |
Jan 02 | 17:00 | 0.25 | Walking |
For each day I also track my current weight along with any notes for the day:
Day | Weight | Notes |
Jan 01 | 172.6 | This new diet is awesome! |
Jan 14 | 170.2 | Not sure all this is worth it. |
Jan 22 | 169.8 | Jogged past a McDonald's today. It was hard. |
Feb 01 | 168.0 | I feel better, but sure miss all that greasy food. |
Gathering All That Data
That's a lot of different data that needs to be gathered, stored, retrieved, and later analyzed. It's organized simply and easily, but the number of records varies from day to day. On any given day I may have zero or more entries for food, water, and exercise, and I may have zero or one entry for weight & notes.
In my app, I gather all the data for a single day on one page, to make it easier for my users. So, I get a JSON object for each day that looks like this:
_28{_28 "date": "2022-01-01",_28 "weight": 172.6,_28 "notes": "This new diet is awesome!",_28 "food": [_28 { "title": "Apple", "calories": 72, "meal": "Breakfast" },_28 { "title": "Oatmeal", "calories": 146, "meal": "Breakfast" },_28 { "title": "Sandwich", "calories": 445, "meal": "Lunch" },_28 { "title": "Chips", "calories": 280, "meal": "Lunch" },_28 { "title": "Cookie", "calories": 108, "meal": "Lunch" },_28 { "title": "Mixed Nuts", "calories": 175, "meal": "Snack" },_28 { "title": "Pasta/Sauce", "calories": 380, "meal": "Dinner" },_28 { "title": "Garlic Bread", "calories": 200, "meal": "Dinner" },_28 { "title": "Broccoli", "calories": 32, "meal": "Dinner" }_28 ],_28 "water": [_28 { "time": "08:15", "qty": 1 },_28 { "time": "09:31", "qty": 1 },_28 { "time": "10:42", "qty": 2 },_28 { "time": "10:42", "qty": 2 },_28 { "time": "12:07", "qty": 1 },_28 { "time": "14:58", "qty": 1 },_28 { "time": "17:15", "qty": 1 },_28 { "time": "18:40", "qty": 1 },_28 { "time": "19:05", "qty": 1 }_28 ],_28 "exercise": [{ "time": "11:02", "duration": 0.5, "type": "Walking" }]_28}
Saving the Data
Once we've gathered all the data for a day, we need to store it in our database. In a NoSQL database, this can be a pretty easy process, as we can just create a record (document) for a specific user for a specific date and throw document into a collection and we're done. With SQL, we have some structure we have to work within, and in this case it looks like 4 separate tables: food, water, exercise, and notes. We'd want to do 4 separate inserts here, one for each table. If we don't have data for a specific table (say no exercise was recorded today) then we can skip that table.
If you're using SQL to store this data, you might want to save each table's data as it's entered in your data entry form (and not wait until all the data is entered.) Or you might want to create a database function that takes all the JSON data, parses it, and writes it to all the related tables in a single transaction. There's a lot of ways to handle this, but suffice it to say this: it's a bit more complicated than saving the data in a NoSQL database.
Retrieving the Data
If we want to display all the data for a single day, it's pretty much the same. With NoSQL you can grab the data for the user's day and then use it in your application. Nice! With SQL we need to query 4 tables to get all the data (or we could use a function to get it all in a single call.) Of course, when displaying the data, we'd need to first break up our JSON data into pieces that are needed by each section of our dashboard screen, and you could argue that it's simpler to map each SQL table with the dashboard section on the screen, but that's a trivial point.
Analyzing the Data
Now that we've saved the data and we can retrieve it and display it, let's use it for some analysis. Let's display a graph of how many total calories I've eaten over the past month. With SQL, this is a simple task:
_10select_10 date,_10 sum(calories) as total_calories_10from food_log_10group by date_10where user_id = 'xyz' and day between '2022-01-01' and '2022-01-31'_10order by date;
Bam! Done! Now we can send those results to our graphing library and make a nice pretty picture of my eating habits.
But if we've stored this data in NoSQL, it gets a little more complicated. We'll need to:
- grab all the data for the user for the month
- parse each day's data to get the food log information
- loop through each day and total the calories
- send the aggregate data to our graphing module
If this is something we're going to do regularly, it makes sense to calculate the total calories for each day and store it in the day's document so we can get at that data faster. But that requires more work up front, and we still need to pull the data for each day and parse out that calorie total first. And if we update the data we still need to recalculate things and update that total. Eventually we'll want to do that with the water and exercise totals as well. The code will eventually start to get longer and more complex.
SQL and NoSQL Together - FTW
Let's see how we can use the power of SQL together with the ease-of-use of NoSQL in the same database to make this all a bit easier. We'll create a table for each day of data (for each user) and store the basic fields such as weight
and notes
first. Then we'll just throw the food_log
, water_log
, and exercise_log
fields in a JSONB
_13CREATE TABLE calendar (_13 id uuid DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() NOT NULL,_13 date date,_13 user_id uuid NOT NULL,_13 weight numeric,_13 notes text,_13 food_log jsonb,_13 water_log jsonb,_13 exercise_log jsonb_13);_13-- (Optional) - create a foreign key relationship for the user_id field_13ALTER TABLE ONLY calendar_13 ADD CONSTRAINT calendar_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES auth.users(id);
Now let's insert some data into the table. PostgreSQL offers both JSON and JSONB fields, and since the latter are more optimized by the database and much faster for query processing, we’ll almost always want to use JSONB. We’ll use JSONB fields for food_log
, water_log
, and exercise_log
and just dump the data we got from our app right into those fields as a string:
_34insert into calendar_34 (date, user_id, weight, notes, food_log, water_log, exercise_log)_34values_34 (_34 '2022-01-01',_34 'xyz',_34 172.6,_34 'This new diet is awesome!',_34 '[_34 { "title": "Apple", "calories": 72, "meal": "Breakfast"},_34 { "title": "Oatmeal", "calories": 146, "meal": "Breakfast"},_34 { "title": "Sandwich", "calories": 445, "meal": "Lunch"},_34 { "title": "Chips", "calories": 280, "meal": "Lunch"},_34 { "title": "Cookie", "calories": 108, "meal": "Lunch"},_34 { "title": "Mixed Nuts", "calories": 175, "meal": "Snack"},_34 { "title": "Pasta/Sauce", "calories": 380, "meal": "Dinner"},_34 { "title": "Garlic Bread", "calories": 200, "meal": "Dinner"},_34 { "title": "Broccoli", "calories": 32, "meal": "Dinner"}_34 ]',_34 '[_34 {"time": "08:15", "qty": 1},_34 {"time": "09:31", "qty": 1},_34 {"time": "10:42", "qty": 2},_34 {"time": "10:42", "qty": 2},_34 {"time": "12:07", "qty": 1},_34 {"time": "14:58", "qty": 1},_34 {"time": "17:15", "qty": 1},_34 {"time": "18:40", "qty": 1},_34 {"time": "19:05", "qty": 1}_34 ]',_34 '[_34 {"time": "11:02", "duration": 0.5, "type": "Walking"}_34 ]'_34 );
While that's a big insert statement, it sure beats doing inserts on 4 separate tables. With all those food entries and water log entries, we would have had to made 1 entry in the main table, then 9 food_log entries, 9 water_log entries, and one exercise_log entry for a total of 20 database records. We've wrapped that into a single record.
But How Do We Query This Data?
Great, we're collecting the data now, and it's easy to insert the data into the database. Editing the data isn't too bad either because we're just downloading the data to the client, updating the JSON field(s) as needed, and throwing them back into the database. Not too hard. But how can I query this data? What about that task from before? Let's display a graph of how many total calories I've eaten over the past month.
In this case, that data is stored inside the food_log
field inside the calendar
table. If only PostgreSQL had a way of converting JSONB arrays into individual database records (recordsets). Well, it does! The jsonb_array_elements
function will do this for us, allowing to create a simple table we can use to calculate our caloric intake.
Here's some SQL to turn that food_log
array into individual output records:
_10select_10 user_id,_10 date,_10 jsonb_array_elements(food_log)->>'title' as title,_10 jsonb_array_elements(food_log)->'calories' as calories,_10 jsonb_array_elements(food_log)->'meal' as meal_10from calendar_10where user_id = 'xyz'_10 and date between '2022-01-01' and '2022-01-31';
This returns a table that looks like this:
date | title | calories | meal |
2022-01-01 | Apple | 72 | Breakfast |
2022-01-01 | Oatmeal | 146 | Breakfast |
2022-01-01 | Sandwich | 445 | Lunch |
2022-01-01 | Chips | 280 | Lunch |
2022-01-01 | Cookie | 108 | Lunch |
2022-01-01 | Mixed Nuts | 175 | Snack |
2022-01-01 | Pasta/Sauce | 380 | Dinner |
2022-01-01 | Garlic Bread | 200 | Dinner |
2022-01-01 | Broccoli | 32 | Dinner |
A couple things to note:
jsonb_array_elements(food_log)->>'title' as title
this returns a text field, since the->>
operator returns TEXTjsonb_array_elements(food_log)->'calories' as calories
this returns a JSON object, since the->
operator return JSON
If we want to sum
the calories to get some totals, we can't have a JSON object, so we need to cast that to something more useful, like an INTEGER
(jsonb_array_elements(food_log)->'calories')::INTEGER as calories
this returns an INTEGER
Now we can't just throw the sum
operator on this to get the total calories by day. If we try this:
_10select_10 date,_10 sum((jsonb_array_elements(food_log)->'calories')::integer) as total_calories_10from calendar where user_id = 'xyz'_10 and date between '2022-01-01' and '2022-01-31'_10group by date;
we get an error back from PostgreSQL: Failed to run sql query: aggregate function calls cannot contain set-returning function calls.
Instead, we need to think of this as a set of building blocks, where our first SQL statement returns a table:
_10select_10 date,_10 (jsonb_array_elements(food_log)->'calories')::integer as calories_10from calendar where user_id = 'xyz'_10 and date between '2022-01-01' and '2022-01-31';
Now we can take that "table" statement, throw some (parenthesis) around it, and query it:
_12with data as_12(_12 select_12 date,_12 (jsonb_array_elements(food_log)->'calories')::integer as calories_12 from calendar_12 where user_id = 'xyz'_12 and date between '2022-01-01' and '2022-01-31'_12)_12select date, sum(calories)_12from data_12group by date;
This gives us exactly what we want:
date | sum |
2022-01-01 | 1838 |
If we add more data for the rest of the days of the month, we'll have all the data we need for a beautiful graph.
Searching the Data
What if we want to answer the question: How many calories were in the garlic bread I ate last month? This data is stored inside the food_log
field in the calendar
table. We can use the same type of query we used before to "flatten" the food_log
data so we can search it.
To get every item I ate during the month of January, we can use:
_10select_10 date,_10 jsonb_array_elements(food_log)->>'title' as title,_10 (jsonb_array_elements(food_log)->'calories')::integer as calories_10from calendar_10where user_id = 'xyz'_10 and date between '2022-01-01' and '2022-01-31'
Now to search for the garlic bread we can just put (parenthesis) around this to make a "table" and then search for the item we want:
_15with my_food as_15(_15 select_15 date,_15 jsonb_array_elements(food_log)->>'title' as title,_15 (jsonb_array_elements(food_log)->'calories')::integer as calories_15 from calendar_15 where user_id = 'xyz'_15 and date between '2022-01-01' and '2022-01-31'_15)_15select_15 title,_15 calories_15from my_food_15where title = 'Garlic Bread';
which gives us:
title | calories |
Garlic Bread | 200 |
If we take a little time to study the JSON Functions and Operators that PostgreSQL offers, we can turn Postgres into an easy-to-use NoSQL database that still retains all the power of SQL. This gives us a super easy way to store our complex JSON data coming from our application code in our database. Then we can use powerful SQL capabilities to analyze and present that data in our application. It's the best of both worlds!